About Angel Tucker
Angel A. D. Tucker was born and raised in Toledo, Ohio. He grew up in an impoverished neighborhood flooded with drugs, gangs, and violence. Within this community, Angel experienced an incredible amount of harassment and endured daily pressure to join one of the local gangs. Rather than falling victim to this pressure, Angel persevered, becoming a notable servant of his community for more than 30 years. As a young and ambitious leader in his neighborhood block watch, Angel helped organize neighborhood revitalization initiatives. He has since been dedicated to mentoring youth from similar communities. In 2011, Angel made local history by becoming the first African-American police officer to join the Oregon Police Department (OPD) in Oregon, Ohio, where he currently serves as patrolman. During his career with OPD, Angel has led the initiative for external carrier vests and is currently working on an initiative with the OPD, city officials, and Bowling Green State University to recruit a more diverse slate of candidates for first responders across the county. Angel has served on the SWAT team, Crisis Intervention Team (CIT), Crisis Negotiator Unit (CNU), Drug Abuse Response Team (DART) Honor Guard, Bike Patrol Unit, and is currently a presenter for the Citizens Police Academy.