Adrienne Ballew Elder holds a Master’s Degree in Public Health with specific training as a Certified Health Education Specialist, Certified Standards of Quality for Family Strengthening & Support, a national Bridges Out of Poverty trainer, a certified Getting Ahead program facilitator, and coauthor of Getting Ahead ACEs and PACEs Supplement: Addressing Trauma Through Building Trust and Resilience.
In her consulting role, Mrs. Elder has raised over $40 million in funding for community outreach, support groups, quality education, positive coping skills, mental health, parent training, affordable housing, family planning, maternal and child health, early childhood education, mentoring, addiction recovery, anti-poverty, homeless prevention, criminal justice, quality education, workforce development, and livable wages.
She is a core team member of the National Trauma Campaign and on the Speakers & Trainers Bureau of the PACEs Connections Network. Adrienne is passionate about cross-sector partnerships and aligning resources, like “Handle With Care” that increases coordination among law enforcement, schools, mental health agencies, and social services in the community after a child experiences or witnesses a traumatic event. She is an aha! Process consultant and co-trainer for the Getting Ahead ACEs and PACEs Supplement: Addressing Trauma Through Building Trust and Resilience.