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Who is Suzie?

Suzie Johnson-Smith of Ontario, Canada, has 32 years of dedicated health and human services experience, primarily supporting low-income people in need of financial and employment assistance. She provided frontline case management for several years before becoming a coach and leader within her organization. She led the office in promoting person-centered services using the Bridges Lens to improve relationships, outcomes, and collaboration across her community.

Suzie became a certified organizational Bridges trainer in 2015 and  began expanding to the broader community to build a critical mass of understanding. Three years later, having trained over 7,000 community partners, she became a consultant with aha! Process and has since been providing Bridges workshops internationally, certifying new Bridges community trainers, and providing strategic consulting to support the implementation of the Bridges model at all levels. Suzie strongly believes that the Bridges Out of Poverty framework can and should inform our practices for improved relationships, outcomes, collaboration, and systems. She has been a presenter of the Bridges Out of Poverty model for thousands of teachers, employers, social service organizations, employment agencies, health agencies, property owners, leaders, community volunteers, and interested citizens. Suzie also provides coaching and consulting services for individuals and organizations to thrive, and she uses a people-centered, strength-based coaching approach. By focusing on strengths, she co-creates supportive learning and work environments that lead to positive and sustainable transformational change.

Suzie’s credentials

  • Organizational Relationship Systems Coach (ORSC)
  • Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC)
  • Advanced Leadership and Management Certificate, Ontario Tech University
  • Certified Leadership Coach Practitioner (CCF)
  • Certified Life and Executive Master Coach (CCF)
  • Teacher/Trainer of Adult Learning, Fleming College
  • Leadership Development Series, Fleming College
  • Social Work, Fleming College
  • aha! Process Certifications: Bridges Out of Poverty, Workplace Stability, Emotional Poverty, The R Rules, Bridges to Health and Healthcare, Getting Ahead

Suzie’s aha! moment

When I attended my first Bridges workshop over a decade ago, I was profoundly moved and inspired. I realized that this was the missing piece of my career puzzle. I had the sudden awareness that I had been carrying (and sometimes imposing) my lens to others, which had unknowingly been interfering with relationships and outcomes. I had renewed enthusiasm to make a difference with our clients, staff, and community using the Bridges lens. Developing an internal working group of champions to implement the constructs organization was our first step. Then, we began offering Getting Ahead, and I became a Bridges certified trainer. From there, we created a consumer advisory group and began to assess our programs and services in collaboration with our clients at the table. It is such an incredible experience building a Bridges community and engaging all sectors and classes to work together for overall improved community well-being. I truly never stop learning and having aha! moments each time I train a new community or work with an organization to embed the Bridges model.

Suzie’s passions

My passions are my incredible family and supporting people to learn, thrive, and grow. I feel so enthusiastic and blessed to be living out my career dreams and helping to facilitate aha! moments for others.

Suzie’s best training

My best training moments happen when I see transformational changes in thinking and perspectives right before my very eyes. During one community Bridges session, an attendee was very openly negative about people who are struggling in poverty/instability. At the end of the session, he told the group: “I will be much more cautious of my bias, and I apologize for my statements at the beginning of the day.” His evaluation form was even more hopeful: “This was the most powerful presentation I have ever had. It was a very humbling experience with a lot of takeaway information for much-needed further self-reflection.”

What does Suzie do for fun?

I love music, swimming, and weekend trailer camping with my husband across central Ontario. Traveling and exploring the world together is a passion of ours. I also cherish time with friends, our adult children, and our beautiful granddaughter, who is the light of our lives.  Loving my career is also incredibly fun! I feel truly blessed to support people to learn and grow together.

What are people saying about Suzie?

“This was the best training I have ever attended in 23 years of social work! Suzie kept me engaged all day long!”

“Very informative and interesting. Such passion. Will definitely implement in my future career.”

“Suzie did an amazing job. She is very passionate about Bridges, which is enlightening and empowering. Loved the stories and humour throughout!”

“Fantastic presentation! Suzie’s passion showed in all aspects of the material. It really inspired me to reevaluate my practices. Flow was fantastic and kept me interested!”

“Great presentation, love your passion. I did have many aha! moments.”

“Just totally excellent! Suzie is so engaging! Want more of this! Really important stuff!”

“Excellent workshop, important topics were discussed to improve the way we understand and serve our clients. Excellent and engaging presenter—I kept interested all day long!”

“Thank you, very helpful info, allows me to see things from different perspectives.”