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Trainer Certification Event

March 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29, 2023, 11am – 2pm Central

This workshop prepares individuals to present the information from Bridges Out of Poverty to individuals in their own organizations. The certification trains on the Bridges Out of Poverty: Individual Lens workshop and the Bridges Out of Poverty: Institutional Lens workshop. Comprehensive research and training materials are provided.

Need help meeting your prerequisite? See “Prerequisites” below for more details.

Participants will:

  • Gain a deep understanding of the Bridges strategies and processes
  • Develop effective poverty reduction strategies for your organization and community
  • Network with and learn from others passionate about ending poverty
  • Become an agent of change for your organization or community
  • Tailor the Bridges strategies to your organization’s needs

As a Certified Trainer, you will receive the following benefits:

  • Monthly trainer tips
  • Ongoing updates
  • Newsletters
  • Online support
  • Free shipping
  • $1.50 per book discount with the purchase of 50 or more books of the same title

Additionally, As a Lifetime Trainer Certificate holder, you will:

  • Receive one yearly online recertification session for free! Updated training materials are provided when you participate in a 3-hour recertification.



Participants must have attended a Bridges Out of Poverty: Strategies for Professionals and Communities workshop.

Unable to attend these workshops? On-demand options available.



Trainers must recertify every two years by December 31st of the second full year following certification. This recertification can be a renewal of the two-year Trainer Certification or an upgrade to a Lifetime Trainer Certificate.

Recertification may be done online or as an on-site workshop (only with sufficient demand).




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