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Certified Facilitator Training

Become a Getting Ahead facilitator and help under-resourced individuals to:

  • Take charge of their lives
  • Complete a self-assessment of their own resources and make plans to build them
  • Develop a series of mental models to examine their own lives and create new future stories
  • Help stabilize their lives
  • Investigate the impact that poverty has had on themselves and their community
  • Use this information to build resources for a better life and community

Facilitator training includes the following topics: philosophy, theory, motivation and incentives, long-term support, mental models, content and process, and practice sessions.  Additionally, you will receive:

  • Overview of Getting Ahead PowerPoint slides
  • Preparation to facilitate Getting Ahead groups
  • Personalized follow-up coaching
  • Getting Ahead workbook and Facilitator Notes for Getting Ahead (the set)

Audience Size: Limited to 70 participants.



Participants must have attended a Bridges Out of Poverty: Strategies for Professionals and Communities workshop.

Unable to attend these workshops? On-demand options available.




View our event cancellation policy.


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