The following is from Lynn Jackson, aha! Process Bridges engagement manager, Nicole Baptiste, aha! Process consultant, and Suzie Johnson-Smith, aha! Process consultant

The Together We Thrive National Poverty conference, hosted by Emerge Solutions in Toledo, Ohio, on October 7–9, was beyond amazing.

After the conference, we had the opportunity to discuss what our main takeaways were from the event, and this is our list:

1. Safety and belonging are at the root of our emotional wellness. This spoke to us on an even deeper level than usual, and even though we’ve heard it before, we had even deeper “aha” moments. Ruby Payne’s keynote address was incredible; the way in which she explained how safety and belonging not only impact us individually, but also at the organizational and community level, really hit home on why organizations struggle with overall culture.

 A profound insight was the recognition that fostering individual safety and a sense of belonging is essential for the overall well-being of communities. When people feel secure and connected, it creates a foundation for stronger social bonds, increased civic engagement, and resilient community structures, all of which lead to more sustainable poverty alleviation efforts.

2. Bridges and Getting Ahead, when done together and when combined with engaging all sectors in a common language and understanding, truly is the glue for community wellbeing. This is a great example of collective impact.

3. We were so moved by the stories of Getting Ahead investigators and the future stories they are living into. Resiliency, strength, grit, determination, and hope continued to shine through and were very inspiring.

4. The importance of supporting individuals through coaching and social capital resources is an important element of long-term healing for life stabilization.

5. Seeing Phil DeVol was a highlight. We have so much respect, admiration, and genuine appreciation for all that he has done to truly evoke the transformation of communities!!

6. Addressing poverty requires a collective effort from community members, nonprofits, local businesses, and government agencies. Working together can help create a comprehensive approach to tackling the root causes of poverty. Collaborative community solutions was a theme in the group conversations with the change-makers at the conference.

7. Investing in programs that promote economic mobility, such as workforce development, affordable housing, and financial literacy (together, known as economic mobility initiatives), can help individuals and families move from crisis to stability.

8. A key takeaway was the challenges posed by the “benefits cliff,” where individuals lose access to crucial public benefits—such as healthcare, childcare, or housing assistance—when their income slightly increases. This abrupt loss of support can discourage people from pursuing higher-paying jobs or additional work hours, as the increase in earnings may not sufficiently cover the lost benefits. Addressing the benefits cliff through gradual reductions of benefits or income-based phaseouts can help ensure that upward mobility is genuinely rewarding and sustainable.

9. Creating networks of support for individuals living in poverty—such as peer groups, mentors, and community organizations (also known as social capital)—can strengthen social ties and provide a crucial safety net. The conference offered a viewing of the documentary Join or Die, which focuses on the importance of social capital.

10. The pure synergy created from just being together, celebrating successes, and sharing best practices completely filled our cups!

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