Getting Ahead While Getting Out Certified Facilitator Training

Live, Online

The purpose of the Getting Ahead While Getting Out Reentry Model is to provide citizens returning from incarceration and their families a comprehensive, community- and relationship-based approach to reentry that begins in pre-release and follows through with long-term support.

Bridges Out of Poverty Trainer Recertification

Live, Online

This online course is for Bridges Out of Poverty trainers who would like to renew their 2-year Trainer Certificates or upgrade to a Lifetime Certificate. Expired certificate holders are also welcome to participate and renew their license.

Get Tickets $275.00 – $499.00

Navigating Emotional Realities with Adults Trainer Certification

Live, Online

This trainer certification will prepare you to provide the Navigating Emotional Realities with Adults workshop. You will be given information and talking points to explain the neuroscience of emotional development and to provide tools to create a safer work environment by understanding the basics of the brain’s emotional development.

Get Tickets $995.00 – $1,499.00

Emotional Poverty 2 Trainer Certification

Live, Online

Become certified to take the insights from the Emotional Poverty 2 training back to your school or district, and train others to help students understand and process emotions more effectively. This seminar prepares individuals to present information from Emotional Poverty Volume 2 to individuals in their own organizations.

Get Tickets $995.00 – $1,499.00

Navigating Emotional Realities with Adults Trainer Certification

Live, Online

This trainer certification will prepare you to provide the Navigating Emotional Realities with Adults workshop. You will be given information and talking points to explain the neuroscience of emotional development and to provide tools to create a safer work environment by understanding the basics of the brain’s emotional development.

Get Tickets $995.00 – $1,499.00

Getting Ahead While Getting Out Certified Facilitator Training

Live, Online

The purpose of the Getting Ahead While Getting Out Reentry Model is to provide citizens returning from incarceration and their families a comprehensive, community- and relationship-based approach to reentry that begins in pre-release and follows through with long-term support.

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